
Showing posts from November, 2023

Fear Not the Fall/Fannie Lou Hamer: This Little Light By Billie Jean Young

In three dozen poems and a two-act play, MacArthur Fellow Billie Jean Young honors the tradition of struggle, resistance, and survival common to generations of women descended from African slaves. The tradition she dramatizes in her acclaimed portrayal of Fannie Lou Hamer (here for the first time in book form)--the tradition of making a way out of no way--is the same tradition she celebrates in remembering her mother's rub-board hands. Her poetry also reveals the often hidden costs of resistance. In this collection, Young celebrates her personhood as well as her African American womanhood and the power of self-creation and re-creation in the face of personal rejection, abuse, systematic exploitation, and oppression. Organized chronologically, her poems may be read as road markers from her life's journey. For Young, the road is not a freeway; it is not even always paved. It is, however, a familiar path and one many of us can enter. Fear Not the Fall/Fannie Lou Hamer: This Little...

Endless Enemies: The Making of an Unfriendly World By Jonathan Kwitny

By the late Jonathan Kwitny. ISBN 0-312-92178-0. Kwitny, a correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, argues that U.S. foreign policy has been marked by support for Third World governments that deny their citizens the economic and political freedom we enjoy. He makes a strong case for the benefits that would accrue if the U.S. government ceased intervening covertly in other nations' affairs. Endless Enemies: The Making of an Unfriendly World very well written book about the idiotic US foreign policies since the 70's I must admit that due to Kwitny and others, I have fallen in love with Investigative journalism. I love reading those who provide me with their source material. This is a book that isn't easy to get through in a short period of time. Jam packed with information that focuses upon key foreign policy decisions that were implemented in the 80s in Africa, Cuba, etc. Jonathan Kwitny An absolute Must Read for anyone interested in American foreign policy. Thorough, a...

Jean-Jacques: The Early Life and Work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1754 By Maurice Cranston

I read all three volumes of Cranston's biography of Rousseau, and althought the work is a bit dry I finished with the sense that I know both the intellectual and emotional dimensions of the man as well as most any biography of Rousseau could convey. But then again Richard Holmes hasn't decided to write about him. I wish Cranston had eliminated much of the discussion of R's social life. I really do not need to read of every dinner engagement, every conversation, every evening in one salon or another. Paperback As far as biographies go, I found this one dull. At 250 it picks up some with actual concentration on his work, but quickly descends once again into the amorous experiences of Rousseau. I excuse the author the continual references to adorable brunettes and other lovely ladies, as it appears to occupy a great deal of Rousseau's own attention. However, inevitably almost every person in his life is introduced in one way or another based on their adultery, mistresses,...

Dr. Seusss ABC (Book CD) By Dr. Seuss

I think that this is the most amazing alphabet book ever, word-wise. (Animalia wins for pictures, I think.) We've been collecting Dr. Seuss books for quite some time, because we tend to like them. I never read this book as a child, and I'm almost glad, because I get to be so astounded now as an adult. First of all, there's great meter. Second, there's tons of alliteration. Third, the alliteration is not only at the beginnings of words, but inside them, too: Barber baby bubbles and a bumblebee Four fluffy feathers on a Fiffer-feffer-feff. I actually didn't notice this until my son had insisted on me reading this to him about twenty times. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought, Hey! And since I practically have this book memorized (the catchy rhythm and alliteration help), I went through the book in my head at four in the morning and realized exactly how amazing this book is. Simple words. Amazing alliteration. Great meter. Incredible creativity. ...

The Shrinking Outdoors. By Gary Jennings

Discusses man's wasteful and ignorant acts which have destroyed the balance of the environment and resulted in the extinction of many living things as well as endangering man. The Shrinking Outdoors.

Wolfen Desire: A Shifter Story (Daniel and Faith Book 1) By Beth Mercer

Faith wasn't expecting Daniel. She'd just been trying to deal with a shady company, when they'd gotten bought out by Daniel Arcadia, CEO of Arcadia industries. He'd made things right, but he was also interested in her. Can Faith survive being swept off her feet by a billionaire with a dark secret that comes out on every full moon? A shifter erotica short story, consisting of approximately 5000 words. Wolfen Desire: A Shifter Story (Daniel and Faith Book 1)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4) By J.K. Rowling

There is an incredibly somber mood that descends on me every time I finish this book in the series, and reading it with the illustrations did nothing to change that. I felt the drawings were impeccable, and I loved how some of the characters were reimagined to look a different way than portrayed in the movies, my favorite being Mad Eye Moody. Now, the long wait for the remainder of the illustrated editions. :( Here's some pics from the new Illustrated Edition! I have no idea why this didn't show as being read but who cares. It's Harry Potter and I can reread and listen to them forever!! Mel 🖤🐾🐺 English (A) 86% | Extraordinary Notes: A tone transfiguration, it's so the boy-girl drama, bright to start, but breaks your heart, and ends in tears and trauma. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4) *To read more reviews by me visit Views & Reviews * I seriously have no idea why I still review these books when I have nothing new to say. I mean.....

Runes of Royalty (A Demons Fall #4) By G. Bailey

Protector. Angel. Assassin…and now Queen. Evie is now queen of the protectors, and rumoured queen of the demons aswell, but dealing with the black magic she can’t control is far more dangerous than either of those titles. The protectors have fallen, demons along with them, and earth is not far behind. Can Nix, Trex, Connor and Azi help Evie survive a power no one understands? Or knows how to stop… With random portals opening everywhere on earth, a war to be won and Cex tracking her every move, can the assassin-now queen- win the war? Demons will rule. 18+ RH Runes of Royalty (A Demons Fall #4) Runes of Royalty is the perfect conclusion to G Bailey’s A Demon’s Fall series. The emotions, challenges and wonderful storyline will have you addicted to the ending of Evie’s story. This is a series that I highly recommend and dans if G Bailey will definitely enjoy this series. On the plus side to this series ending, it seems that G Bailey will be continuing with this world in ...

The Search for Order: Historical Reflections on the Crisis of Grand Strategies By Peter Gowan

Vivid exploration of the sources and contradictions of the neoconservative worldview. This book argues that the Bush Administration's debacle in the Middle East is part of a much deeper crisis of American grand strategy. It offers a new way of thinking about the problems facing leading capitalist powers in formulating and managing grand strategies, and explores the nature of the current American geopolitical crisis through a comparison with the British case in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Although in some respects the British and American cases are opposites, they share common sources at a profound level, sources endemic to the nature of capitalist power politics. The book also argues that conventional accounts of international relations tend to miss these deeper sources of the problems of grand strategy. Through the course of the study Gowan examines the work of Samuel Coleridge, Carl Schmitt, Friedrich Hayek, Paul Nitze, Lord Milner, and Donoso Cortez. The Searc...

Worst Thing That Happen By Julie Wild

Worst Thing That Happen The encounter between the hot wife Samantha and the big bull was great, but is where it ended for me. The husband is a complete and utterly freak. How could someone take this and like it is beyond me. He gets drunk and beats himself up and wants to go and watch her do it again and it happens with his best friend and Samantha. He is one sorry excuse for a man and a human being! Worst Thing That Happen
La autora me ha sorprendido con 10 días para enamorarte. Una novela que te engancha desde la primera página y te mantiene en vilo hasta el final. El entorno en el que se desarrolla es una pasada, parece que viajas hasta esa feria y la vives con los protagonistas. Dos polos opuestos que se atraen sin remedio. Me encantó ese apoteósico final. PD: El protagonista masculino me ha enamorado del todo. ¡Lo quiero para mí! Spanish; Castilian Uau!! Diez días para enamorarse? Déjame que te diga que a mí me han sobrado ocho. Sí, como lo lees, en dos días me enamoré de esta historia. No puedo más que decir, que para nada parece escrito por una persona que empieza. Los personajes están súper bien trabajados, la trama bien hilada a la vez que nos muestra con todo lujo de detalles una ciudad preciosa que te llega a conquistar y, el final taquicardico, por un momento pensé lo peor. Sergio y Llanos... sin duda me enamore de ellos. Mi enhorabuena a la autora y, desearle un largo camino....

Maimonides and Spinoza Come to Dinner: A Hypothetical Conversation By Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez

This book explores some of the prevailing attitudes and ideas held by Maimonides or the Rambam ie Rabbi Moses ben Maimon and Benedictus Baruch Spinoza on the subject of knowing God A hypothetical dialogue between these two philosophers and the author is presentedThis book explores some of the prevailing attitudes and ideas held by Maimonides, or the Rambam, i.e., Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, and Benedictus (Baruch) Spinoza on the subject of knowing God. A hypothetical dialogue between these two philosophers and the author is presented.This book explores some of the prevailing attitudes and ideas held by Maimonides, or the Rambam, i.e., Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, and Benedictus (Baruch) Spinoza on the subject of knowing God. A hypothetical dialogue between these two philosophers and the author is presented. Maimonides and Spinoza Come to Dinner: A Hypothetical Conversation Gives you a uick view of two brilliant thinkers on Judaic thought Worth the time to sit and read this short book Juan Marc...

In the Company of Seahorses (Wild Nature Press) By

Seahorses are instantly recognisable and have been a part of our culture for millennia, yet we still know very little about these enigmatic creatures. Steve Trewhella and Julie Hatcher have spent hundreds of hours in British waters observing native seahorses, witnessing at first hand how they behave in the wild, and how they interact with the other plants and animals in their underwater realm. With stunning photography, In the Company of Seahorses paints a rich picture of a mysterious world amongst swaying seagrass and colourful seaweeds. The accompanying text is packed with personal anecdotes describing the authors’ journey of discovery, illustrating for the first time the secretive lives of these elusive animals in British waters. By sharing one couple’s passion for an entrancing ocean icon, this book aims to inspire, inform and create a better understanding of the seahorse and its often vulnerable habitats around the British coastline. In the Company of Seahorses (Wild Nature...

[Daniel Kay Hertz] ¼ The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago [intersex Book] PDF ✓ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB

I was really impressed with this book. Hertz's theory of gentrification and decline as being linked really changed the way I thought about the phenomenon. I live in Cleveland and I think the lessons here are applicable to a number of midwest cities and to a lesser extent every city. English I lived in the area during some of the changes, but found the book a bit disorganized. The early chapters jump back and forth over decades. A simple map of area would have been extremely helpful. There were references to streets I never heard of, and yet lived in the area. Bottom line, I thought I was reading a well researched college term paper. The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago In the years after World War II, a movement began to bring the middle class back from the Chicago suburbs to the Lincoln Park neighborhood on the citys North Side. In place of the old, poorly maintained apartments and dense streetscapes of taverns and butchers, rehabbers imagined a...

Good books to read ¸ Mindfulness Yoga Motivational Coloring Book For Adults: 10 pages 8.5 *11 + 5 snowflakes coloring pages PDF by ✓ ROWENA N JACOB eBook or Kindle ePUB free

Why not take a delightful break and give yourself some well-deserved relaxation and creative inspiration? Engaging in the art of coloring is known to be a fantastic form of therapy, allowing you to discover your inner harmony and escape the busyness of everyday life. Immerse yourself in the in coloring this art and enjoy the blissful moments of tranquility it brings. Treat yourself to this coloring book and embark on a truly unique and rejuvenating experience. This book contains 10 pages of yoga coloring images and 5 pages of big snowflakes images. Mindfulness Yoga Motivational Coloring Book For Adults: 10 pages 8.5 *11 + 5 snowflakes coloring pages

Á Read Á The Law of Armed Conflict by Solis ✓ eBook or Kindle ePUB

This book is great for an introduction into the law of armed conflict also known as international humanitarian law It discusses from an academic and barely biased perspective the wide range of issues that arise in starting and conducting war It was published in 2010 and therefore is able to thoroughly discuss issues surrounding the American wars in Afghanistan Ira and the War on Terror It also provides a good history of the development of the law of armed conflict up to present day The book is well researched and has great footnotes making it a fantastic springboard to deeper research into the issue I heartily recommend it Solis I love this book Solis makes the history and cases of Laws of Armed Conflict a lot easier to understand For those of us involved in uestions regarding the Law of War this book is an essential guide It is at least a starting point and for many uestions the end point also I use if freuently I am a lawyer who defends persons accused of violations of Internationa...

↠ On the Mesa: An Anthology of Bolinas Writing 50th Anniversary Edition Ä PDF Provides by ☆ eBook or Kindle ePUB free

An amazing opening up of the original focus of the Bolinas literary scene. Brilliant editing. Disappointing afterword, but who cares after the texts recovered. English For my personal library. Great collection of under appreciated authors and poets. 258 pages Poetry. California Interest. Afterword by Lytle Shaw. The Song Cave presents an expanded edition of the long out of print City Lights Books classic ON THE MESA: AN ANTHOLOGY OF BOLINAS WRITING in celebration of its 50th anniversary. This is a gathering of poets, writers and artists living on or around the mesa in Bolinas, California. Not so much a school of thought as a meeting of those who happened to be at this geographical location at this wobbly point in time, several divergent movements in American poetry (Black Mountain, San Francisco Renaissance, Beat, and New York School poets) came together with new Western and mystic elements at the unpaved crossroads of Bolinas.Featuring work by: Gordin Bladwin, Bill Berkson, Ted Berri...

✓ Is the Best ☆ David Livingstone: Africas Trailblazer (Christian Heroes: Then Now) by Janet Benge, Geoff Benge ✓ eBook or Kindle ePUB

I have known of his spiritual life in video that lasts 8 minutes,from Ravi Zacharias than from this biography.Mr.Henry Stanley got converted,and much is missing,its hard to belive a christian wrote this biography.Dissapointed. lapidary Detailed and a great story true story of a great Christian man. Suited to read aloud with family of all ages an awesome biography that brought tears to my eyes many a time! A must read. Fantastic book!! Not too long. Very well written reads like a novel! And amazing story. I really couldn't put it down, and finished it in 3 days. Brilliant book in excellent condition. I would recommend it to anyone who has enjoyed the Christian Heroes series. lapidary good David Livingstone: Africa’s Trailblazer tells of how an ambitious Scottish boy ended up a doctor and great African explorer. It’s written on a middle grade level and covers the basics of Livingstone’s life very well. It focuses heavily on his missionary work and glosses over his exploratio...

[lebanon Book] à Ida Scudder: Healing Bodies, Touching Hearts (Christian Heroes: Then Now) PDF by Janet Benge, Geoff Benge ✓ eBook or Kindle ePUB free

Excellent book. Kindle Amazing lady. How she chose Christ (although she did not intend too) then gave 100%. If I could do that I would be a better person. Shows how one life can move mountains. This lady changed the part of India she served. And showed that women can be equal to men, in a time in history that was male dominated. Indeed, showed how women actually surpassed men. Nope. I’m not feminist. All are equal. But read it. And you will see why I say this. Men scoffed and laughted that her girls going for doctor certification would pass. Truly believing they had less brain power and intelligence. They came top. Over every group of men applying. And not just by a small amount. By a superlative mount. God made male and female equal. This book clearly shows He uses all. As a young girl, the daughter of missionaries, Ida had seen how bad things were in India in the 1800's. Her heart was so touched that she decided she couldn't face it and would never live in India again. Ho...

✓ Lillian Trasher: The Greatest Wonder in Egypt (Christian Heroes: Then Now) ✓ PDF Book Review by ✓ Janet Benge, Geoff Benge eBook or Kindle ePUB free

For granddaughter, excellent Kindle The best book l have ever read. It changed my life. Everybody should read it. i really enjoyed learning about this remarkable missionary. written at level for high school'ers so a fast and easy read. i share this book in the prison i work at and everyone who reads it has enjoyed it Lillian Trasher: The Greatest Wonder in Egypt (Christian Heroes: Then Now) Great story. Great lady. Great authors. It is one of the most touching christian books I have ever read. It's an inspiring story about how God cared for the orphaned little ones and their faithful American mama in the 20th century Egypt. English Do you mean to say you have no food for tomorrow? the Egyptian man sputtered. Well, yes, Lillian replied. The man exclaimed, How awful! Will you be able to sleep tonight? One of the orphan girls laughed out loud and said, Why, Mama never has any food for tomorrow, and she never loses sleep over it! When Lillian Trasher founded Egypt's first or...

[Janet Benge] Ô Elisabeth Elliot: Joyful Surrender (Christian Heroes: Then & Now) [histoire du monde Book] PDF ✓ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB

Since she was young Elisabeth Elliot had been intrigued by missionaries who gave up so much to tell others about God's love With a passion to translate the Bible into new languages she followed God's call to work among tribes in Ecuador including the Waorani Auca who had killed her husband and four othersElisabeth kept a detailed journal of her life and missionary service She returned to the United States after many years in South America becoming one of the most influential Christian women of our time A prolific author speaker and radio host she passes on a message of joyful surrender to the world 1926 2015Since she was young, Elisabeth Elliot had been intrigued by missionaries who gave up so much to tell others about God's love. With a passion to translate the Bible into new languages, she followed God's call to work among tribes in Ecuador, including the Waorani (Auca), who had killed her husband and four others. Elisabeth kept a detailed journal of her life and mi...
Challani godarini entho andhanga sprushinchina kathalu Paperback Wonderful makes u keep read it till the last full stop... 9788190704960 గోదావరి కథలు (Godavari Kathalu)

[] ¶ Peter Gabriel: every album, every song [victorian Book] PDF ✓ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB

If Genesis, according to British comedian and fan, Al Murray ‘were the progressive rock band who progressed', then Peter Gabriel, once solo, would be the one who progressed the most. Who would have thought listening to early Genesis would eventually take the listener to Senegal, Armenia, South Africa and beyond via the artistic endeavours of their former vocalist? This is a journey through Peter Gabriel's the solo albums, his live recordings and soundtrack compositions. During his forty year plus solo career, Gabriel has become a worldwide pop star with his early, self titled albums and his seminal 1986 record So. He has had hit singles throughout his career, including ‘Big Time' and the poignant ‘In Your Eyes'. He also helped pioneer video creativity with the song ‘Sledgehammer'. In doing so, he has reached beyond his progressive rock background to achieve a level of respect that other musicians from that genre could only dream about. You may have heard ma...

[Lexa Luthor] Ù Dancing in the Darkness: An F/F Omegaverse Sci-Fi Romance (The Alpha God Book 1) [gnosticism Book] PDF ☆ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB

The book was actually pretty good but I skimmed through the love scene. Can't wrap around the whole penis thing. The world building was good and the cliff hanger my god, I wanted to shoot someone. If you can get over the penis one of the main characters has you will enjoy the book. If it was a true les book it would be a 4 star review. English I love the idea of strong women but after reaching the point where the very hot main character had a male organ, I must admit I skipped through the rest of the book. Hey to each his/her own but expecting a lesbian romance and loving the romance build up expecting female parts and getting essentially heterosexual scenes I was a little disappointed. Couldn't she have both Lexa Luthor The fact that it is f/f omegaverse says it all. Google it, or even better go to the writer's website where the relevant information is provided and don't nag afterwards. That being said: Excellently written specimen of the genre with characters that are...

Reviews ☆ Quien Fue Ana Frank? / Who Was Anne Frank? (Spanish Edition) PDF by ↠ Ann Abramson eBook or Kindle ePUB free

In her diary, Anne Frank revealed the challenges and dreams common for any young girl. But Hitler brought her childhood to an end and forced her and her family into hiding. This book looks closely at Anne's life before the secret annex, what life was like in hiding, and the legacy of her diary. Illustrations, maps and diagrams provide historical and visual reference in a biography written in a way that is appropriate and accessible for younger readers. Quien Fue Ana Frank? / Who Was Anne Frank? (Spanish Edition) Muy lindo interesante y fácil de leer. Excelente opción para niños de 10 12 años Ann Abramson Gift 1631138499 Me encanto! Es perfecto y justo lo necesitaba para una tarea. Una muy feliz compra :)

[ Book] ☆ Lisa The Woman: Sexy Pic Apps (Get Me Up Book 2) PDF by Tiffany I Candy ↠ eBook or Kindle ePUB free

Sexy Women Lisa The Woman: Sexy Pic Apps (Get Me Up Book 2) This is shit This is shit this nothing but stupid thumb tag's when you click on the tag it's still a thumb tag Lisa The Woman: Sexy Pic Apps (Get Me Up Book 2)