Maimonides and Spinoza Come to Dinner: A Hypothetical Conversation By Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez
This book explores some of the prevailing attitudes and ideas held by Maimonides or the Rambam ie Rabbi Moses ben Maimon and Benedictus Baruch Spinoza on the subject of knowing God A hypothetical dialogue between these two philosophers and the author is presentedThis book explores some of the prevailing attitudes and ideas held by Maimonides, or the Rambam, i.e., Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, and Benedictus (Baruch) Spinoza on the subject of knowing God. A hypothetical dialogue between these two philosophers and the author is presented.This book explores some of the prevailing attitudes and ideas held by Maimonides, or the Rambam, i.e., Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, and Benedictus (Baruch) Spinoza on the subject of knowing God. A hypothetical dialogue between these two philosophers and the author is presented. Maimonides and Spinoza Come to Dinner: A Hypothetical Conversation
Gives you a uick view of two brilliant thinkers on Judaic thought Worth the time to sit and read this short book Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez

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