Was a great book with great characters and great action with a great story and a great ending Looking forward to the next book thanks ð¤ ð·ð'ª ROY LEWIS Nothing to be said but the highest praise. Thanks for keeping me happy during lockdown , thanks also to my large Samsung tablet as my sight is a problem xx THE SPANISH VILLA MURDER an addictive crime mystery full of twists (Eric Ward Mystery Book 9) Another adventure for Eric Ward and Anne. There is a gratuitously graphic murder but then the story becomes engrossing. There is the usual range of businessmen prepared to cross the line. But which one went the extra mile to commit murder. English This book in the series takes some following. Lots of characters, events happening, Intrigue and brutal murders. I couldn't get into this book as the others. Shame. The rich, well married, playing at law and crime just didn't pull together thus time round A very intelligent novel, which is riveting and intriguing. Eric Ward is dra...
14 Effective , Practical Exercises To Regain Absolute Control Of Your Ejaculation And Last From 2 Minutes To 60 Minutes in Bed Within 60 Days Whether you are a man who decided to take control of your sex life or a woman who wants to help her man do exactly that, this book is for you! Discover how you can eradicate premature ejaculation within 60 days by following the instructions my sex therapist friend gave me to cure my own premature ejaculation.In Premature Ejaculation Goodbye, you will learn only pure substance coming from my personal experience in applying practical, effective, and actionable exercises. I will present you the exact process I followed to gain control over my body and mind, over my sexual arousal, and over my sex life in general.In this book, you will not find the usual quick fix advice that are spread around everywhere else; this is not another theoretical book with information you already know; it is not a boring anatomy manual, nor is it an informational list of...
Una vez rematadas las principales acciones de guerra en el mar del Sur, expuestas en el volumen anterior, la escuadra espaola del Pacfico, bajo el mando del brigadier Mndez Nez, deba obedecer las instrucciones del gobierno y regresar a Espaa. El comandante general decide dividir su fuerza con dos objetivos diferentes. Por una parte, los buques ms daados, as como la fragata blindada Numancia, que todava levantaba sospechas sobre su real capacidad en largas navegaciones con temporales de orden, deberan mostrar el pabelln en las islas Filipinas y acabar por circunnavegar el globo. Por otra parte, la divisin compuesta por las fragatas Villa de Madrid, donde izaba su insignia Mndez Nez, Almansa, Resolucin y Blanca, debera aproar hacia el sur y montar el cabo de Hornos en la peor poca del ao, cuando adems de terribles temporales, se podran sufrir a bordo vientos glidos, nieve, granizo, carmbanos, cubiertas heladas y temperaturas de las que cortan la piel. Si la divisin bajo el mando del cap...
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